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Sounds are nothing more than tiny shaking movements of the air. Check out and share some fun sound facts for kids!

  • Sounds are made when a material vibrates.
  • Fast vibrations make a high sound, and slow vibrations make a low sound.
  • Sound can travel through materials.
    The accepted units for sound pressure are metric, Newton per one square meter (N/m2).

    The accepted units for sound pressure are metric, Newton per one square meter (N/m2).

  • Whales in the ocean “sing” to each other. The sound of their song can travel a distance of 800km.
  • The returning sound is called echo.
  • Sound with frequencies of less than 20 Hz is known as infrasound.
  • One-third of the total power of a 75-piece orchestra comes from the bass drum.
  • Animals use sound as a medium to detect danger and warning.
  • Flies are deaf!
  • It’s not possible for sound to travel through a vacuum (an area empty of matter).
  • A baby’s cry is louder than a car horn.
  • Sound waves are invisible because the human eye can’t see pressure waves.
  • If you drop rice carefully into a bowl it will make a sound like rain or hail.
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