Florence Coloring Page
Did you know that nearly a third of the world’s art treasures reside in Florence, according to UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)?
This city in Italy attracts over 10 million visitors per year. The people of Florence are called Florentines, or Fiorentino in Italian. Pinocchio, the wooden boy whose nose grows when he lies, came from Florence. Le Avventure di Pinocchio was published between 1881 and 1883 by Carlo Lorenzini (pen-name Collodi), a Florentine by birth.
Also, the city is traditionally divided into four quarters, named after the most important churches. Three of them are on the right-hand bank of the Arno; Santa Maria Novella, San Giovanni and the quarter of Santa Croce. The only quarter south of the river is Santo Spirito.
Download this coloring page about this city in Italy and enjoy yourself!