50 DIY Templates to Celebrate July Fourth with your Kids
Not sure what to do for a family time together for a July 4th? For a easy start let’s get ready for a July Fourth with cool printable templates, glue, scissor and family time together. Make your next 4th of July party a masquerade with these printable USA party masks and many other templates! Less expensive than even the cheapest store bought masks, these templates are fun and unique! Easy DIY project is suitable for the whole family. Get your kids engaged! And trivia for teens: Did you know that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both of whom not only signed the Declaration of Independence but went on to serve as President of the United States, died on July 4th, 1826. Another Founding Father who became President, James Monroe, died on July 4, 1831, becoming the third President in a row to die on Independence Day. Cool, right?