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Finding educational activities to entertain your child can be difficult. Whether you are in search for a filler activity within a classroom or a rainy day activity at home, you want meaningful and educational activities. Find the best of both worlds with this fun, free, and engaging worksheet!

Any child who loves My Little Pony or anything horse-related is sure to love this free worksheet. There is a beautiful pink pony and plenty of smaller scale handwriting lines provided. Your student can create a story, write a few sentences, or have a fun piece of journal paper!

Whether this free handwriting page adds some flare to your handwriting lessons or entertainment to a day at home, it is sure to suit your needs. Here are some ideas for using this paper:

  • Create a story about this particular pony. What is her name? Where is she going? What is her story?
  • Write a persuasive argument as to why horses are the best animals.
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