Math Facts
Collection of interesting math facts for use in the classroom or just for fun. Read on and share these amazing facts!
- Different names for the number 0 include zero, nought, naught, nil, zilch and zip.
- Zero is the only number which can not be represented by Roman numerals.
- Abacus is considered the origin of the calculator.
- There is order in chaos.
- 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
- Googol (meaning & origin of Google brand ) is the term used for a number 1 followed by 100 zeros.
- Have you heard about a Palindrome Number? It is a number that reads the same backwards and forward, e.g. 12421.
- The only number in English that is spelled with its letters in alphabetical order is “forty”.
- 12 + 3 – 4 + 5 + 67 + 8 + 9 = 100
- To memorize pi to 7 places, think “Can I have a small container of coffee?” and count letters!
- In a group of 23 people, at least two have the same birthday with the probability greater than 1/2.
- One can cut a pie into 8 pieces with three movements.
- While not really a number, ‘infinity’ refers to a limitless quantity and is represented by a symbol that looks like the number 8 placed on its side.
- What comes after a million, billion and trillion? A quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion and undecillion.
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