Darwin Facts
Here are some amazing Charles Darwin facts that school textbooks may not tell you. Take a look, and share them with your friends!
- Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
- Darwin wanted to be a doctor, but he couldn’t stand the sight of blood.
- Darwin married his fist cousin, Emma Wedgwood.
- Charles Darwin liked to eat exotic animals, but not owls.
- Throughout his life, Darwin produced seminal works on the biology of various animals.
- When Darwin presented his Theory of Evolution (1859), the Church of England attacked him ferociously.
- He gave the idea that all the living species have evolved over time from common ancestors.
- More than 120 species have been named after Darwin.
- The last book Darwin published was about earthworms.
- Darwin didn’t invent the phrase “Survival of the Fittest”.
- More than 125 years after Darwin’s death, the church offered apology for its treatment of the legendary naturalist.
- Darwin washed his feet once a month at school, due to a lack of anything with which to wash.
- Darwin was a backgammon friend.
- Darwin and his wife had 10 children, but three of them died at young ages.
- Darwin was incapacitated by various illnesses of unknown origin for much of his adult life.
- For Darwin’s 25th birthday on February 12, 1834, Captain FitzRoy named a mountain after him (Darwin Mountain).
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