Planet Facts
Kids can learn about different facts about all the planets and the Sun. Check out all the facts we collected and share them with your friends and classmates!
- Saturn may be most famous for its spectacular rings, but Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have rings too.
- The dust storms of Mars are the largest in the solar system.
- Mars is a home to both the highest mountain and the deepest, longest valley in the solar system.
- On Neptune, one can find jet stream winds traveling at more than 1,500 mph.
- If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would only weigh 37 pounds on Mercury.
- Mars is red because it is rusty. There is a lot of iron in the soil, and the air on Mars has made it turn red-just like rusty iron on Earth.
- Unlike other planets, Jupiter sends out a strong radio radiation that can be detected on Earth.
- Saturn’s rings are made up of billions of pieces of rocks and dust.
- Galileo was the first astronomer to observe Saturn’s rings.
- Neptune is a sea blue color due to the methane gas in its atmosphere.
- Even though Neptune is further from the sun, Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system.
- Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.
- The sun’s rays are about seven times as strong on Mercury as they are on the Earth.
- As the planet nearest the sun, the surface of Mercury can reach a scorching 840 degrees F (450 degrees C).
- Venus is known as Earths’ twin sister because of its similar size and proximity to each other.
- You cannot stand on Saturn. It is not like Earth. Saturn is made mostly of gases. It has a lot of helium.
- Venus has mountains that are higher than Earth. Maat Mons is more than 5 miles high.
- The Earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. It travels through space at 660,000 miles per hour.
- Saturn goes around the Sun very slowly. A year on Saturn is more than 29 Earth years.